
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

March Journal Prompts + printable

Edit: Updated and completed prompts are available in a printable version through etsy and an ebook version through amazon as of December 2018.

First of all, thanks to everyone who shared February's journal prompts with your friends last month. I did not expect to have such a positive response to the first set of prompts, and of course, I am excited to be able to share another set with you today.

If you need some help, check out our post on starting a journal.

Grab your favorite journaling supplies and find a comfy chair. You can use these prompts to journal however you like. A printable version is available at the bottom of the post.

31 Journal Prompts for March

1. A favorite song lyric
2. The thing you always forget to pack
3. A fictional character you'd like to switch places with
4. Something to let go of
5. What do you want more of?
6. A typical grocery list
7. A fact you don't usually tell people
8. What does it take to make a friend?
9. The thing that makes you excited
10. Everyone needs...
11. The best place to be
12. How do you focus?
13. Who is your "cheerleader?"
14. The goal you are working towards now
15. Three small steps towards your goal
16. The most inspiring person you've met
17. How would you describe yourself?
18. A few words of advice to someone younger
19. Ten things you learned in the past year
20. What is the most important thing in life?
21. An idea that seems great, but actually isn't
22. Five books everyone should read
23. Where do you most want to travel?
24. What are you good at?
25. Three things you learned today
26. Something you are looking forward to
27. Pick a movie character you identify with
28. Ten things you love about spring
29. Are you patient?
30. Describe a childhood memory
31. List some favorite jokes

Download your printable PDF version of the prompts.

Make sure that you get next month's prompts by following along with Life of Lovely on bloglovin, pinterest, or twitter.

We'd love to hear from you if you decide to use these prompts. Let us know how it goes in the comments.


  1. what a neat idea!! :) thanks so much

  2. Thanks for another great list of writing ideas :)

  3. This is such a great idea. It can be tough to think of ideas to blog about, and these are great ones. I love #4, something to let go of. Amen to that. Visiting from the SITS Linkup!

  4. Oh I love this! I need to print this out and put it in my morning pages journal in case I get stuck.

  5. Some of these make good blog post ideas as well. Excellent list, thanks for sharing :)

  6. Just starting to journal and found the journal.prompts. What a great idea. Thank you.
