
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Get Fit in 2015 using Youtube

At the beginning of January, most of us make New Year's resolutions. For some of us these resolution have to do with losing weight or getting healthier in the upcoming year.

This year, one of my resolutions is to not just to get skinny but to get healthy.

Since learning almost all the muscles in my OT school anatomy class and being a nutrition major in undergraduate, I have such an appreciation for our bodies. I don't want to just be slim, I want to take care of myself and live well for a long time.

That means strengthening my heart with cardio and doing strength training to strengthen both my muscles and my bones. My plan is to exercise for 30 minutes every day that I can, and if I can't work out for 30 minutes to at least do something even if it's just for 5 minutes. Hopefully that'll help me make taking care of my body part of my lifestyle.

If you're like me though, you get bored doing the same workout video or exercise machine for thirty minutes. My solution the last couple months has been to break it up using fitness videos from youtube. My favorite are from popsugar, and they last 5 to 10 minutes. I combine a few videos, and before I know it my workout is over.

Here are a few of my favorite videos for beginners. I like to work out by focusing on one area a day. For example, I'll have an arms day, legs day, abs day, back day, and flexibility day, so I've tried to structure the list by areas. I also try to throw in at least one cardio video everyday, but you can structure your workouts however works best for you!





Cool Down


So obviously I'm a little obsessed with the Popsugar fitness videos! These videos are just what I like though. With all the videos out there on youtube you're sure to find fitness videos that work for you. If you want something a little different, Greatist has a really interesting, fun list of the best free workout videos on youtube. Hopefully, this gives you some ideas to get you started on your way to a fitter 2015. I'd love to hear what your favorite youtube workouts are!


  1. OMG I love youtube for fitness, it's all i use and i share the videos with my readers on the blog...awesome sauce #workingmomwednesdaybloghop #pinnedtotheboard

    1. Nancy, I love it too! It's so nice that there are free, effective workouts on youtube. It definitely makes fitting fitness into a busy schedule easier!

  2. I use to do Zumba off you tube it was awesome!

  3. Thanks for sharing this is awesome! Thanks for visiting Monday Madness:)

  4. pinned to my fitness board! thanks.

    saw this on Wonderful Wednesdays
