Even though I didn't reach my goal last year, I think that setting the goal benefited me because it encouraged me to set aside time to read more, and it helped to remind me that I had other things to do than constantly stream movies and tv shows.
This year I've set a goal of reading 90 books in 2016. It's a bit lower than last year's goal, but still more than I actually managed to read last year.
One of the books that I've enjoyed so far has been Katarina Bivald's The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend. I was first attracted to the book by the beautiful cover and by the comparison of the book to The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Society.
The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend lived up to my expectations. It's a satisfying story about both love and books. A woman from Sweden travels to a small town in the US to meet her penpal who has unfortunately died shortly before her arrival. Instead of leaving, she decides to stay, and the townspeople take care of her and put up with her idea to open a bookstore dedicated to her friend. The plot itself seems improbable, but that won't in any way stop the reader from enjoying the story.
If you're a fan of romantic comedies and of books, chances are you would enjoy this book! You can find out more about The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend on Goodreads or on Amazon
Disclosure: I received a e-copy of this book from Netgalley in order to review it. All opinions are my own, and I received no compensation other than the text itself.